Sunday, September 10, 2023

Hand Tools Safety


Hand Tools Safety

Hand Tools Safety - Do's

ü  Use tools designed to allow wrist to stay straight. Avoid using hand tools with your wrist bent. 

ü  Ensure that employees are properly trained in the safe use of hand tools. 

ü  Use good quality tools and always keep tools in good condition. 

ü  Inspect tools for defects before use. Replace or repair defective tools. 

ü  Keep cutting tools sharp and cover sharp edges with suitable covering to protect the tool and to prevent injuries from unintended contact. 

Fire Alarm System Basics

ü  Replace cracked, splintered, or broken handles on files, hammers, screwdrivers, or sledges. 

ü  Ensure that the handles of tools like hammers and axes fit tightly into the head of the tool. 

ü  Replace worn jaws on wrenches, pipe tools and pliers. 

ü  Redress burred or mushroomed heads of striking tools. 

ü  Pull on a wrench or pliers. Never push unless you hold the tool with your palm open. 

ü  Point sharp tools (e.g., saws, chisels, knives) laying on benches away from aisles and handles should not extend over the edge of the bench top. 

Administrative Controls for Heat Stress

ü  Maintain tools carefully. Keep them clean and dry and store them properly after each use. 

ü  Carry tools in a sturdy toolbox to and from the work site. 

ü  Wear safety glasses or goggles, or a face shield (with safety glasses or goggles) and well-fitting gloves appropriate for the hazards to which you may be exposed when doing various tasks. 

ü  Use a heavy belt or apron and hang tools at your sides, not behind your back.


Industrial Hygiene

Types of Gases - Safety

 Hand Tools Safety - Dont's

Ø  Do not use tools for jobs they are not intended to do. For example, do not use a slot screw driver as a chisel, pry bar, wedge or punch or wrenches as hammers. 

Ø  Do not apply excessive force or pressure on tools. 

Ø  Do not cut towards yourself when using cutting tools. 

Ø  Do not hold the stock in the palm of your hand when using a cutting tool or a screwdriver. 

Ø  Do not wear bulky gloves to operate hand tools. 

Health Hazard – Blue | NFPA Hazard Diamond

Ø  Do not throw tools. Hand them, handle them first, directly to other workers. 

Ø  Do not carry tools in a way that interferes with using both hands on a ladder, while climbing on a structure, or when doing any hazardous work. If working on a ladder or scaffold, tools should be raised and lowered using a bucket and hand line. 

Ø  Do not carry a sharp tool in your pocket.

Basic Safety Rules for Construction

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