Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Basic Safety Rules for Construction


Basic Safety Rules for Construction

Basic Safety Rules for Construction

Safety Signage | Safety Signs | Safety Poster

Horseplay - A Safety Concern

Tidy up construction sites

¦ Keep passages clear all the time. Do not keep materials.

¦ Sort out materials and pile them up safely. The stacks should not be too high. Secure it.

¦ Beware of floor openings and ensure that they are fenced or covered.

¦ Remove refuse as soon as possible.

¦ Provide sufficient lighting.

¦ Familiarize with the location and the operation of fire fighting equipment & escape routes.



Safety measures

¦ Before you operate a machine, ensure that the dangerous part of the machine has been installed with a guard. Ensure the healthiness.

¦ Avoid going to any area with insufficient lighting as there may be some dangerous places which have not been provided with fencing. Avoid alone working.

¦ Keep vigilant all the time and watch out for moving cranes, hooks or other lifting equipment.

¦ Before you use any electrical installation or tool, check the condition of its electric cables.

¦ Avoid dragging electric cables on the ground or allowing the cables to come into contact with water. Do not come in contact with electrical cables.

¦ Use electrical tools installed with an earth leakage circuit breaker with 30mA.

¦ Use and handle chemicals with care. Use required PPE. Label the chemicals.



Personal Safety

¦ Wear protective equipment required.

¦ Do not drink or take drugs while working.

¦ Pay attention to personal hygiene. Be hydrated. 

¦ Do not play in the workplace. Avoid horseplay.

¦ Report to your supervisor immediately if you notice any unsafe condition & act.


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