Sunday, September 24, 2023

Fire Protection Measures


Fire Protection Measures

Fire Protection Measures

Fire Protection Measures


•        Have a Procedures for evacuation and response

•        Building plans marked for fire exits, fire extinguishers, alarm points, smoke detectors, first aid boxes, main electrical panel, main water supply, evacuation routes, etc.

•        Methods required to prevent fires (e.g., storage of items, etc.)

•        Communicate fire safety plan and emergency response procedures to all employees and contractors.

•        Conduct fire drills at least twice a year (or as required by local jurisdiction)

•        Observe the response to fire drills, and adjust the plan as necessary to ensure its effectiveness

•        Post all emergency numbers and instructions close to telephones

•        Post the location/address of the building, with any specific instructions that may be needed by the responders

Fire Alarm System Basics

•        Inspect all the fire extinguishers, fire alarm system, emergency lighting system, sprinkler system, and other fire protection monthly or as per the Fire Code and other applicable legislation.

•        All aisles, emergency exits, fire extinguishers, etc. must be kept clear of product or storage objects, fork trucks, etc. at all times

•        Exit routes from buildings must be clear of all obstructions

•        Each building must have at least two means of      escape separate from each other

•        Fire doors must not be left open unless equipped with self-closing mechanisms. Fire doors must be kept free of obstructions that would prevent the door from closing

•        Exit doors must open in an emergency (not permanently locked or chained closed)

•        Exit doors must be properly marked with signs indicating they are exits from the building

•        Install and maintain adequate emergency lighting to cover stair cases, washrooms, meeting rooms, parking lots, exits, etc.

Electrical Extension Cord Safety

•        For example: provide education and training to all designated employees on the type and correct use of fire extinguishers.

•        For example: fire wardens must be educated and trained in how to clear an area quickly and other related duties.

•        Mark all fire extinguishers clearly with the class of fire for which it is appropriate

•        Install fire extinguishers as per the Fire Code

•        Must be kept free of obstructions for easy access

•        Inspect portable fire extinguishers monthly or as required by your local jurisdiction

•        Provide and maintain adequate fire alarms and smoke alarms according to the Fire Code

•        Test periodically (monthly) or as according to your jurisdiction

•        If smoke alarm is battery operated, do not remove batteries unless they are replaced immediately with fresh batteries

•        Identify all sources of ignition (e.g., sparks, welding, smoking, hot plates, pilot lights, space heaters, boilers, furnace, etc.)

•        Make sure combustible or flammable items are not stored near ignition sources

Basic Safety Rules for Construction

•        Ensure appropriate fire walls are erected around hot equipment when required

•        Check ventilation rates for equipment and repair where appropriate

•        Make sure all the equipment and accessories used in hot work are in good working condition

•        Separate hot work areas from other operations

•        Keep combustible or flammable materials away from hot work areas

•        Develop safe work procedures for operations involving hot work

•        Use a “fire watch” attendant as necessary

•        Use appropriate personal protective equipment such as face shield, respirators, eye protection, etc.

•        Make sure that all electrical systems are installed and function according to any Codes that may apply

•        Identify and replace wiring that is not appropriate for the loads they are carrying

•        Repair or replace any exposed wiring

•        Do not overload electrical equipment or electrical outlets

Construction Crane Safety

•        Replace extension cords that are being used for long term purposes with permanent wiring.

•        Develop a lock-out/tagout program for any work done on energized systems

•        Educate and train employees on electrical safety

•        Provide appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) where a risk of arc-flash or arc-blast is present

•        Include storage guidelines for combustible items within a certain distance of a heat source that complies with local Building and Fire Codes

Working Safely with Chemicals

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