Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Electrical Lockout and Tagout Procedure

Electrical Lockout and Tagout Procedure



Controlling the electrical hazards is more important to protect employee life, LOTO plays a major in electrical safety protection. The following procedures for electrical lockout and tagout shall be followed when exposed to electrical hazards while doing maintenance/condition monitoring activities:

1. Operations team shall identify isolating locations and types of isolating devices required in determining potential exposure.

2. Qualified personnel appointed by the company doing the work shall notify affected personnel and properly shut down/de-energize the equipment. Isolation is complete only when no associated control device is capable of energizing equipment. Ensure voltage verification after the isolation is done.

3. Operations employees or the controlling team shall always be the first to install an approved Lock.


4. The person or team doing the work shall lock out a device using his approved Lock. Remember to lock open the circuit breaker(s). If the device cannot be physically locked out, it shall, at a minimum, be de-energized and tagged.

5. Place the Tag the lock with a “DANGER, DO NOT OPERATE” tag. The tag shall contain date, time, organization, name, equipment name, phone/mobile contact number and signature of the installer, and reason for installation.

6. Other teams/employees or individuals working on equipment shall also install their locks and tags at locations identified by operations. Multiple lockout clips (hasps) shall be used if

necessary. A crew lockout is acceptable only when the key(s) of the person designated to lock out is properly secured and locked by all working team involved.

7. Each lock shall be identifiable with all required informations. Each organization shall have a system of uniquely identifying locks (e.g., stamping or engraving, providing photo).


8. Each lock shall be keyed separately with no duplicate key available to ensure removal only by the employees.

9. Clear the area of personnel and tools prior to trying to start the equipment/s. 

10. Before starting work, Try to start or energize the equipment locally. Verify the equipment cannot be energized. This is called try out. Additionally the voltage verification to be done with non contact type devices.

11. Only the person(s) originally attaching the lock and tag are authorized to remove the lock and tag.

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12. Operations employees shall remove locks and tags when equipment is safe to energize.

13. When work is complete, affected personnel shall be notified and equipment placed back in service. Ensure the tools & employees are cleared from the working area.


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